The sequel to the acclaimed, spellbinding epic fantasy Savage Legion by Hugo Award–winning author Matt Wallace about a utopian city with a dark secret and the underdogs who will expose it—or die trying. The call them Savages. Brutal. Efficient. Expendable. The empire relies on them. The greatest weapon they ever developed/5. Savage Legion Matt Wallace makes his epic fantasy debut with SAVAGE LEGION, the first novel in his forthcoming Savage Rebellion series from Saga Press. Described as “a full-frontal assault on the genre’s worst instincts,” SAVAGE LEGION is a sprawling, blood-soaked examination of Empire and its cost. An epic fantasy by Hugo Award–winning author Matt Wallace about a utopian city with a dark secret and the underdogs who will expose it, or die trying. They call them Savages. Brutal.
Matt Wallace makes his epic fantasy debut with SAVAGE LEGION, the first novel in his forthcoming Savage Rebellion series from Saga www.doorway.rubed as "a full-frontal assault on the genre's worst instincts," SAVAGE LEGION is a sprawling, blood-soaked examination of Empire and its cost. Savage Legion Matt Wallace Matt Wallace. She's a warrior with a mission: to find the man she once loved, the man who holds the key to exposing the secret of the Savage Legion and ending the mass conscription of the empire's poor and wretched. But to find him, she must become one of them, to be marked in her blood, to fight in their wars. Matt Wallace is a retired professional wrestler and the author of the Sin du Jour novella series ( Publishing), as well as the Savage Rebellion series (Saga Press). His debut middle-grade novel, Bump, is scheduled to be released in by Katherine Tegen Books.
Savage Legion is a stunning jump from shorter urban fantasy novellas to full on epic fantasy for Matthew Wallace, telling a multibraided story of Empire, Resistance, and Class conflict. In a world where, Crache, a city and an expanding Empire fights against the dire threats that are far from the door but are ever present,.Evie has a problem. SAVAGE LEGION by Matt Wallace. SAVAGE LEGION by Matt Wallace. Brent Lambert; ; Reviews [SPOILERS BELOW: Why? Because some books you need to just talk. Matt Wallace, author of Savage Legion, first entered my radar with his seven wonderful ‘Sin du Jour” novellas which answered the question nobody’d thought to ask before of “where would demons or other denizens of the supernatural community go should they wish to throw a well-catered event?”.